Version 1.0.2 - 2020-09-15
Translation of original operating manual
Hydraulic system
Inspection and exchange of hydraulic hoses
Hydraulic hoses are used in almost any machine or system with hydraulically controlled compo-
nents, especially where rigid pipes cannot be used for the energy transfer.
Hydraulic hoses pose a particular danger due to faulty insertion, ageing, wear and tear, dam-
age and other reasons. It is therefore necessary to check the hydraulic hoses before commis-
sioning and regularly thereafter and replace them, if they are damaged or worn.
These requirements arise from regulations concerning health and safety at the workplace.
For warranty purposes and to ensure safe function, work equipment (machines and systems)
including the hydraulic hoses in hydraulic systems must be inspected. The legal basis for the
inspections are set out in the Factory Safety Directive, BetrSichV, which substantiates the
guidelines in the Work Safety Act ArbSchG for the operators of work equipment.
Newly purchased machines must comply with the European guidelines, which are documented
in conformity declarations and by CE markings. The hydraulics used in your machine fulfil the
requirements according to guideline EN ISO 4413. This does not mean that there is any guar-
antee that newly purchased machines with this label are without safety defects. Furthermore,
work equipment may be faulty due to transport, after a move and/or improper new assembly.
Machines and their hydraulic hoses must therefore be inspected after their proper assembly.
This so-called inspection "for proper assembly and safe functioning" must be initiated by the
operator after assembly prior to commissioning or before re-commissioning; this used to be
called a "first inspection".
In addition, machines and their hydraulic hoses are subject to "damaging influences" and/or
wear and tear. Work equipment must nevertheless be safe before each start of work.
The operator therefore has to identify potential dangers, assess their risks, determine protective
measures for safe provision and use and ensure compliance with these measures. Protective
measures include, for example, the inspection and exchange of hydraulic hoses.
The work equipment must be regularly checked for "safe provision and use"; this used to be
referred to as "repeated inspection". These inspections must also be initiated by the operator.
Both the type and scope of inspection as well as the inspection periods must be determined by
the operator in accordance with para. 3 BetrSichV and are part of the documentation of their
operational risk analysis in accordance with para. 6 ArbSchG, similar to the results of the
inspections conducted.
Personnel qualified to inspect hydraulic systems
A qualified person as defined by the Factory Safety Directive is a person who due to their pro-
fessional training, professional experience and recent professional activity has the necessary
expert knowledge to inspect hydraulic hoses and have authority to act independent from
instructions during the inspection (BetrSichV para. 2 sect. 7 and TRBS 1203).
Whilst there is no specific requirement profile for "qualified persons" with regard to special
inspection tasks in connection with hydraulic hoses, the general requirements according to
TRBS 1203 must be fulfilled by the qualified person.