○ Export Settings
■ Once connected you can scroll to the bottom. Copy and Paste all the output in to a text
file and save it. These are your settings, you might need them later to restore from.
Option 1:
Flash pre-built GRBL binary.
latest GRBL compiled binary release
● Example: "grbl_v1.1f.20170801.hex"
■ Follow the instructions found in
GNEA GRBL Wiki: Flashing Grbl to an Arduino
Option 2:
Compile and Flash GRBL with Arduino IDE.
■ Follow the instructions on the
GNEA GRBL Wiki: Compiling Grbl
, "Source code (zip)", this contains the
GRBL library.
● Extract the grbl-x.x.YYYYMMDD.zip
● Open and edit the "config.h" file found the extracted subfolder "grbl".
● Make the suggested changes to "config.h" noted in
● Move subfolder "grbl" to the
● Open the Arduino Example "GrblUpload".
○ Arduino IDE: File > Examples > grbl
■ Can be found under Custom Libraries (at the bottom)
● Flash the firmware.
○ Arduino IDE: Sketch > Upload.
○ After updating the firmware check to make sure that everything is still working.
2. Configuration
○ Set GRBL Spindle RPM / Laser Output Range by sending GRBL the commands:
Max spindle speed, RPM
Min spindle speed, RPM