OpenText Tableau TD2u Forensic Duplicator
The Information Company
3.6 Set Examiner Name (Menu 7.1.2)
If you are using an external keyboard, entering the Examiner Name is fairly
straightforward. Using the TD2u keypad requires scrolling through individual characters.
The characters are divided into four categories that appear at the bottom of the screen:
Capital letters (A)
Lowercase letters (a)
Numbers (0)
Space (spc)
A set of parentheses appears around the currently selected category. In the above
display, capital letters is selected.
For capital letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, use the Up and Down buttons to scroll
through characters.
Press the center button on the keypad to select a character.
To delete the last character you entered, select del from the keypad.
To clear all text, use the right arrow to move to the del item and press the up or down
arrow. This should change del to clr. Selecting this by pressing the center button clears
all text.
3.7 Imaging Setup (Menu 7.2)
Imaging Setup
lets you specify options related to disk imaging operations.
As of version 1.3, you can change settings specific to each operation start screen
by pressing the center button with the gear icon on that screen. Operations that do not
have settings do not have a gear icon on their start screens.