eCobra 600 and 800 Robots with EtherCAT
24402-000 Rev B
E-stop button on the Front Panel
E-stop button on the pendant
Enabling switch on the pendant
Any other user-supplied safety devices that have been installed in the robot system.
Checking Robot Mounting Bolts and Cover Plates
Check the tightness of the base mounting bolts after one week and then every 6 months there-
after during robot operation. The torque of the base mounting bolts should be tightened to 85
Check the tightness of all cover plate screws. The torque of the fasteners should be 1.6 N·m.
Checking Safety and Warning Labels
This section lists the various safety and warning labels and their placement on the robot. Use
this information to perform periodic checks.
Labels that provide instructions for lifting or installing are not con-
sidered warning labels. They may be removed by the user and do not need to be
On a weekly basis, you should check all safety labels on the robot for being present and legible.
Replace any missing or illegible labels. The labels part numbers are provided below.
Read User’s Guide, Impact Warning Label
This label instructs personnel to read the user’s guide before using the robot and to be aware of
the potential of impact by the robot. The part number of this label is 18241-000.
Figure 7-1. Read Manual and Impact Warning Label
This is placed in the following location on the robot.