Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.
Cat. No. I005-E1-2
Revision code
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code
Revised content
March 1993
Original production
July 1993
Page 5: Data in the table has been corrected.
Pages 9, 11, 12: Inverter capacities in the tables have
been corrected.
Pages 21, 23: Output characteristics’ inverter capaci-
ties in the tables have been corrected.
Pages 22, 24: Weight data in the tables has been
March 1994
Pages 7, 14: Terminal 8 in the wiring diagram cor-
rected to 0 to +10 VDC
(2 K
Page 37: First digit of constant no. 1 corrected to ter-
minals 8 and 9.
Page 47: Third digit for constant no. 18 corrected to
reflect that it is not used.
Page 57: Set values in the heading for Search Com-
mand corrected to “Set Value = 9, 10.”
January 1996
Page 3: “Enclosed type” and “open-chassis type”
changed to “with top cover on” and “with top cover off,”
Page 13: “Power supply coordination AC reactor”
replaced with “AC reactor.” Diagram corrected.
Page 21: Stall prevention level specification corrected.
Page 25: Radio noise protective filter function cor-
Page 29: Constants that can be changed in DRIVE
Mode have been added.
Page 33: Row where 00 = 5 added.
Page 34: Note 2 added.
Page 37: Set value 5 added to No. 0.
Page 38: References to note 2 added to No. 9 to No.
Page 39: Setting range of torque compensation
increased to 9.0. Note 2 added.
Page 40: Set values added to No. 32 and No. 33. Ini-
tial setting for No. 33 corrected to 3.
Page 41: 2
digit for constant 46 added. PROM No.
added for constant 49.
Page 42: No. 57 to No. 59 and No. 67 added. Note 1
Page 50: Set values and note 4 added.
Page 51:
Local/Remote Operation and UP/DOWN
Command added.
Page 56:
2-8-22 Enable/Disable Setting Constants in
DRIVE Mode added.
Page 59:
2-8-26 Slip Compensation Speed Control
2-8-27 Inverter Overload Protection added.
November 1997
Model number suffix “-E” changed to “EV2” throughout the manual.
Page 3: “Potentiometers” corrected to “constants” in caution.
Page 9: Settings when a ground fault interrupter is used have been corrected in
case Circuit Breaker (MCCB).
Page 10: Caution on withstand voltage added.
Page 13: “Acceptable” grounding example removed.
Page 24: Note added to
1-6-3 Optional Units.
Page 37: Setting range corrected for constant numbers 27 and 28 of “DC injection brak-
Page 38: “5: Operation mode” added to constant numbers 34 and 35 of “Photocoupler
output signal.”
Page 39: 3
digit information and note added to constant number 46. Initial setting cor-
Page 40: Descriptions for “Slip compensation speed control” (constant numbers 57 to
59) corrected. Factory settings added (constant numbers 60 to 66, 68, and 69).
Page 47: Information added to
2-8-12 Motor Stall Prevention Function.
Page 49: Information for
UP/DOWN Command changed.
Page 54:
2-8-21 Momentary Power Loss Protection changed to 2-8-21 Other Functions.
Page 56: “Residual voltage” corrected to “motor residual voltage’ in
Minimum Baseblock
Time (No. 55).
Page 58: Information in
2-8-27 Slip Compensation Speed Control changed and added
to. Note added to
2-8-28 Inverter Overload Protection.
Page 61: Information for the low voltage protection, overcurrent protection, and cooling
fin overheat protection functions corrected.
Pages 62, 63: “Simultaneous normal and reverse rotation commands” corrected to
“Simultaneous forward and reverse rotation commands.”
Page 63: Information for “Low-voltage protection (main circuit voltage insufficient)” and
“Simultaneous forward and reverse rotation commands” corrected.