5.1.1 Peak Hold Calibration
) In calibration mode (when the “CAL” segment is displayed), turn the function switch to
the V position.
2) Press the HOLD key to enable peak hold mode.
) Use the test leads to connect the CA0 to the reference device.
) From the reference device, apply the value under ZERO in Table 2.
The calibration point appears in the subdisplay.
You can clear the peak value by pressing the MIN/MAX key.
5) Press the Hz key to confirm the value.
6) From the reference device, apply the value under Full Scale in Table 2.
The calibration point appears in the subdisplay.
You can clear the peak value by pressing the MIN/MAX key.
7) Press the Hz key to confirm the value.
8) To end calibration, turn the function switch off.
Table 2 Calibration Table (Peak Hold)
Calibration Point (Input value)
+Full Scale
peak hold
6.000 V
0 V
6.000 V
5.1.2 Loop Power Calibration
) In calibration mode (when the “CAL” segment is displayed), turn the function switch to
the LOOP POWER position.
2) Connect the CA0 to the reference device as shown in the diagram.
) Set the reference device (the sink) to -0.000 mA.
The calibration point appears in the subdisplay.
) Adjust the reference device, which was set to -0.000 mA in the previous step, so that
the DMM display value (measured value) is .0000 V.
5) Press the Hz key to confirm the value.
6) To end calibration, turn the function switch off.
Table 3 Calibration Table (Loop Power)
Calibration Point
DMM Display (Measured)
0.000 mADC
0.000 mA
.0000 V