How to use this manual
This manual contains a list of contents, an index and a list of menus to enable
you to easily find the function that you want to use or find out more about.
Using the list of contents
All the titles in the manual are listed here, grouped into chapters. There
is a chapter containing information to read before using your camera for
the first time, a chapter that describes basic shooting procedures, etc.
Using the index
The index lists the camera’s functions, parts and terms used in this
manual in alphabetical order. When you come across a word in the
manual that you do not understand or when you want to find a certain
term, use the index to find the page(s) where it is used.
Using the list of menus
The camera's menus are listed in the form of a tree according to tab and
show the setting options for each available function. First find the menu
you are looking for, and then look for the reference page number for each
For example....
when you want to view a picture that you have
Go to Chapter 7 Playback and look for the page
titled “Viewing still pictures....124”.
when you want to know more about ESP
Go to the index at the end of the manual and look
under E for “ESP metering....85, 220”.
For example....
when you want to find out which setting to
choose for WB
Go through the menus until you find WB and look for
the reference page number.
For example....