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Страница 3: ...ure control never before found in a 35mm rangefinder camera The f lash system is integrated and automatic Fitting the f lashgun into the accessory shoe automatically activates the system and adfusts the lens Theie is manual f lash contro I too if you prefer it The high speedneedle sharpZuiko lens anO the high performance Seiko shutter add to making the Olympus 35SP a masterpieceof camera crafting ...
Страница 4: ...lease button o F stop ring c Self time lever o r Accessory shoe Synchronzing socKet c R e w i n d k n o b o F i l m r e w i n d crank F i l m s o e e d o s e t t i n g k n o b o V i e w f i n d e r o C d S s e n s i n g c e l l c Strap ring c shutter speed ring o C e n t e r i n d e x H e l i c o i d f o c u s i n g lever o Lens ...
Страница 5: ... a f t Rear cover l o c k F i l m compartment Mercury battery compartment F i l m g u i d e r a i l S p r o c k e t T a k e u p s p o o l F i t p r e s s u r e p l a t e Rear cover F i l m c a r t r i d g e s p n n g R e w i n d button Tripod socket www orphancameras com ...
Страница 6: ...e stroke advancing preliminary lead angle 3o advancing stroke angle 120 self cocking double exposure preventive Film counter Exposure counting type self resetting Film rewinding i Crank system rewind button setting Focusing superimposed double image system single lens geared rangeflnder direct advancing helicoid s y s t e m d i s t a n c e s c a e 0 8 5 m 2 8 f t _ i n f i n i t y o Exposure adius...
Страница 7: ...S e e p 1 1 Mercury battery is a l r e a d y i n s t a l l e d i n camera S e ep 7 p Set the film rating See p 8 Set the automatic exposure system M a k e s u r e b o t h A s o f t h e s h u t t e r s p e e d a n d F s t o p r i n g s a r e i n l i n e w i t h t h e c e n t e r i n d e x Seep 13 www orphancameras com ...
Страница 8: ...the film till th e film counter sh o ws the number 1 See pp 9 12 5 Look through the viewfinder compose your ptct rre and bring it into focus See p 19 6 7 After fi ni shi ng the r ol l r ew i nd the fi l m See p 24 ...
Страница 9: ...stratedabove so that the end of the battery facesoutward and screw in the coverf irmly oThe light meter will ceaseto function properly when the battery has been drained Be sureto replacethe battery once a year or sooner dependingon frequencyof use in order to ensureproper meterfunction o R e c o m m e n d a b l e b a t t e r V r e p l a c e m e n t s i n c l u d e P X 6 2 5 M a l l o r y R M 6 2 5...
Страница 10: ...ocked securely o Fjlnrspe_eC _ e ns f qob Look at the film speedsetting knob on the upper left side which adjusts the light intensity to be received at the sensing cetl Move the smallknob with the tip of your f inger and set it to the rating of your film For instance a film at ASAlO0 ASA and DIN arethe film ratings and must be set properly for correct exposures The ASA scaleof 35SP is as foilows 2...
Страница 11: ...il it stops other wise it does not return to the starting position Don t force it to return from the middle position of a stroke Squeezethe releasebutton gently then the shutter is actuatedand the film can be advanced for the next exposure 2l 3 The film counter shows S Start 1 2 4 6 and subsequenteven numbers up to 36 Each time the film is advanced the counter moves one frame and indicatesat the p...
Страница 12: ...p ring bearsblack numbers 1 7 2 g 16 Each of these numbers can be set at the center index The larger the F stop number is the smaller the F stop value is The F stop can use midway scale readings which the shutter speed cannot Guide numbers on the left_side of the A a r ee x p l a i n e d o np 2 6 O F o r a u t o m a t i c e x p o s u r e p h o t o g r a p h y t u r n both rings of shutter speedand...
Страница 13: ... 2 2 0 o r 3 6 exposures Be careful loading should not be done in direct sunlight f e u t t h e f i l m i n t o the film compart ment lf the cartridge does not settle in the compartment com pletely pressit in while slightly turn ing the rewind knob clockwise or counter clockwise then it clicks in easilY l l 4 u o t o a n o l e a d o u t t h e f i l m a l i t t l e w i t h t h e r i g h t h a n d w...
Страница 14: ...h sides engagewith the sprock et gears T2 T Close the rear cover At this point for reassurance lift up the rewind crank and turn it in the direction of the arrow lightly until the film is tightenedenough Operatethe advanceleverand actuate the shutter Repeatthis motion until the film counter shows the nuniber 1 From this point start taking pictures lf the rewind knob turns during the repeatedmotion...
Страница 15: ...atic exposure Under the automatic exposure system the opti mum combination of shutter speed with the F stop will be automatically selected in accord ance with the brightnessof the subject What is better the highly sensitive CdS meter makes automaticexposures possibleunder very dim con d i t i o n s E V 5 5o r F 1 7a t 1 1 1 5s e c In very dark conditions the shutter release automatically locks and...
Страница 16: ... against the background darkness etc you make spot light measurement and automatic exposurewill be available The Olympus 35Sp is the only EE camerathat can make spot light measurement Looking through the viewfinder you can see an area of overlapping images in the central part This area is the spot measurementarea Fix the subject of your spot measurement in this area then while keeping the spot rea...
Страница 17: ... the image may be too bright for correct exposure 21 3 o Range of automatic PhotograPhY lf you look into the viewfinder you can seethe light meter over the upper line of the bright frame The range of automatic photography is limited between EV5 5 and EV17 exceptingthe red and yellow zones at both extremes As long as the meter needle stays within this limit your automatic photography is assured o S...
Страница 18: ...o match with each other for focusing is the areafor your spot measurement After you compose your spot measuringsubject release the shutter while keepingthe spot reading button pressedin and you will obtain correct exposurefor the subjectin the automatic photo graphy In the manual photography you must obtain an EV value Pressthespot readingbutton to readthe correct EV value on the EV scale which ha...
Страница 19: ... irnportance 1 Shutter speed must be determined f irst to meet various factors of the subject For instance indoors or in dark places a proper shutter speedwill be 1115or 1 30 sec while outdoors or in bright places 11125 or 1l2SO sec 2 With the camerafacing to the subject readthe EV valueon the scalethrough the viewfinder 3 Turn the F stop ring until you f ind the same EV value through the small wi...
Страница 20: ...f the subject it may be needed to quicken the shutter speed or stop down the diaphragm Hold the shutter speedand F stop rings together and turn them clockwise or counter clockwise until you can selecta preferableshutter speedor F stop while keeping the EV number indicated in the smallwindow The characteristics of the manualexposurewill be fully appreciatedin such cases aswhen intentional ly unbala...
Страница 21: ...n the 1 5m distance bring the subject inside the parallax correction marKs o How to bring the subject into focus Focusing is done by the bright rectangularsection at the centerof the viewfinder While looking through the viewfinder move the helicoid lever up and down until the double images within the small rectangle coincide and becomeclearlyvisible Now the subject is in focus The distance scale i...
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Страница 23: ... 3 meters and the F stop at 16 for instance In that case if you look at the table you can see that the depth of f ield is 1 48m infinity ml All the objectsbetween 1 48m and infinity will be sharpin your picture so that it is not necessaryto make readjustmentwithin this range For automatic photography you can understand the necessary F stop number by referringthe EV number shown in the light meter ...
Страница 24: ...4 o 8 7 1 9 8 o 76 1 4 o 6 8 1 1 6 22t 2 O 4 o 1 4 8 1 2 5 a 1 0 4 4 3 8 9 o 90 4 99 o 79 2 65 o 7 0 1 8 0 o 63 1 34 _ Distance F stop I F 1 0 7 5 4 3 5 2 4 1 7 8 1 3 8 12 74 14 25 8 9 5 1 r 3 3 6 44 7 61 4 73 5 30 3 83 4 18 3 37 3 64 2 7 2 2 4 9 2 4 5 1 4 3 11 70 20 94 4 43 12 29 6 21 8 03 4 59 5 49 74 4 30 3 30 3 73 2 6 8 2 9 4 4 3 6 1 2 10 69 25 24 7 9 1 1 3 6 4 5 92 8 5 4 44 5 73 3 64 4 45 3 2...
Страница 25: ... of your f inger DO NOT conceafany part of the lens or the CdS sensing cell with your f ingersor the case You can hold the camera either vertically or horizontallyasyour compositionrequires When holding the camera horizontally keep both elbows close to your body When holding the cameravertically keep the right elbow close to your body and support the camera firmly with the left arm pressingthe cam...
Страница 26: ...m is being rewound the crank is tight but when the film is rolled up and the film end leavesthe take up spool the crank suddenly turns freely third the film thus rewound is taken out in a place free from direct sunlight The recessed rewind button will return its former position at the next winding stroke Towards the end of the roll of film in use the advancelever may meet resistanceand refuse to m...
Страница 27: ...posuremeasurement f lash used 1 a Attach the f lash gun to the camera Simply insert the Pen Flash CL into the accessoryshoe with built in cordlesscontact at the top of the camera where it connects automaticallyto the shutterdiaphragmmecha n t s m b When using ordinary f lash guns or electronic f lash insert the unit into the accessoryshoe and attach f lash connecting plug into the syn chronizingso...
Страница 28: ...th Pen Flash CL at shutter speed 1 30 sec the g u i d e n u m b e r w i l l b e 2 8 m A S A 1 0 0 t f A G 1 8 i n u s e t h e g u i d e n u m b e r 2 0 b Setting the F stop without f lashmaticmecha n t s m Set the subjectin focus and read the distance D i v i d e t h e g u i d e n u m b e r o f t h e f l a s hb u l b o r e l e c t r o n i cb u l b i n u s e b y t h e d i s t a n c e Fi l m sensiti...
Страница 29: ...ra in a dry and well ventilatedplace Don t touch the lens with your finger lf touched wipe it with a clean unstarched cotton cloth Fingerprints if not wiped off immediately will eventuallynot be removable 3 After using the camera on the beach be sure to wipe the surfaceof the camerawith a soft cloth so that no salt or other corrosive substance will be left on it Don t leave the camera near the rad...
Страница 30: ... PS1OOG The Olympus PSlO0 G E lectronic F lashoperateson penlight batteries and AC house current The Olympus PS100 G can be used with such cameras as Olympus 35RC Olympus Trip 35 35SP Pen EE z EES 2 EED and any other cameras with hot shoe contact lts power source is two 1 5V penlight batteries cabon zinc or alkaline or AC household current 10O 120V or 22O 24OV The number of flashes is 20O from set...
Страница 31: ...www orphancameras com ...