Olight S1R Baton Rechargable Flashlight
When I was first asked to review S1R Baton flashlight from Olight by my friends from 365 Plus, I
immediately said »Yes, I'll do it«. Then, I asked myself, how am I going to do this? First, I looked it
up on the internet, to see, what I'm dealing with.
I became familiar with Olight from very positive reviews of their more mainstream tactical
flaslights, some of them getting shot and still performing flawlesly. Yeah yeah, it was onlybuckshot;
but, Will it blend? Most likely not.
Anyway, the reviews were good and a good year later I received as a gift Olight H15 headlamp,
which I still use and love. That one convinced me of Olight quality, since before that I used several
headlamps, that literally faded away after I tried H15.
I started thinking about what to write. Off course, technical details about it seem in order, but they
can be looked up online by all you number crunchers. Let's say Olight managed to make a flaslight,
that's really small, in a pocket form factor, that is tough and can cover its' user in a variety of
different situations.
Ok, a short overview. Don't want to let the comparers down.
Max Output (lumens)
Low (lumens)