© 2019 OJ Electronics A/S
Modbus communication
The OJ-DV-HMI-35T communicates with the DV drive using Modbus RTU
with the following Modbus settings:
• Address = Auto scan for finding the address.
• Baud rate = 38.4 kbps
• Parity = None
• Stop bits = 1/2
The OJ DV has been designed with two Modbus settings: a default Modbus
setting and an alternative Modbus setting.
The default Modbus setting is:
• Address 54, 55, 56 or 57. The address depends on the cable selected
(see DV manual).
• Baud rate = 38.4 kbps
• Parity = None
• Stop bits = 1
• The alternative Modbus setting is set at the factory and is:
• Address 0
• Baud rate = 115.2 kbps
• Parity = Even
• Stop bits = 1
It is possible to change the alternative Modbus setting using Modbus register.
The OJ DV automatically detects whether communication is via the default or alternative Modbus setting.
After 10 seconds of no communication on the default setting, the DV will search for the alternative setting
and vice versa.
Change of Modbus address:
Allow the system 10 seconds to store the settings before disconnecting the OJ-DV-HMI-35T.
The DV will search for the default Modbus address for 10 seconds before changing and searching for the
alternate Modbus address.
Protective cover
The OJ-DV-HMI-35T is supplied with a silicon protective cover to protect it against knocks, oil and dirt.