Owners Manual
Mounting instructions Öhlins shock absorber kit
HA 192 for Husqvarna CR 250
© Öhlins Racing AB. All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the
written permission of Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited. Printed in Sweden.
Spring preload
Low speed
High speed
Your Öhlins shock absorber type 46 PRC features the
followinging adjusters:
Compression damping:
Adjustments are made on top of the reservoir.
Low speed adjustments: Slotted centre screw
High speed adjustments: Hexagon screw.
Rebound damping
Adjuster whell on the piston shaft above the end bracket.
Spring preload
Adjustment made by screws om cylinder house.
Use C-spanner.
When delivered the Öhlins shock absorber is dialed to
recommended settings for the specific brand and make
of the motorcycle. If you have changed the setting check
like this:
The adjusters have a normal right hand tread. Turn
clockvise to fully closed. Turn counter clockvise to open
and count the clicks until you reach the recommended
number of clicks.
Do not use to much force, delicate sealing
surfaces can be damaged. Do use fingers only.
Bike on a stand.
Bike on the ground.
Bike with rider on.
Checking sag and ride height
Front suspension
F1. Bike on a stand with the
suspension fully extended
= ............
F2. Bike on the ground without rider = ............
F3. Bike on the ground with rider
= ............
Free sag
F1 - F2 = ............
Ride height
F1 - F3 = ............
Rear suspension
R1. Bike on a stand with the
suspension fully extended
= ............
R2. Bike on the ground without rider = ........... .
R3. Bike on the ground with rider
= ............
Free sag
R1 - R2 = ............
Ride height
R1 - R3 = ............
If ride height is higher than recommended,
softer spring/springs must be used.
If ride height is lower than recommended,
harder spring/springs must be used.
Contact your Öhlins dealer for advice.
Öhlins Racing AB, Box 722, S-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden.
Phone +46 8 590 025 00. Fax +46 8 590 025 80. www.ohlins.com
HA 192. Issued 01 11 29
Setup data
444 mm
127,5 mm
Rebound adjustment
22 clicks
Compression adjustment
15 clicks
High speed comp. adj
2 1/2 turns
10 mm
Free sag, rear
35 mm
Ride height, rear
100 mm
Front fork position
0 mm
(top surface above triple clamp)
Front fork adjustment
Recommended fork springs