Ohaus Corporation
19A Chapin Road
P.O. Box 2033
Pine Brook, NJ
Instruction Manual
This manual contains installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Ohaus
Heavy Duty Solution Balance, Model 1119D. To ensure proper operation of the Balance,
please read this manual completely.
The Model 1119D Heavy Duty Solution Balance is a dual beam mechanical balance with a
maximum capacity of 20 kilograms and a readability of 1 gram. A dual-faced Indicator Plate
allows front and rear weighing. The base and beam are constructed of cast aluminum and
finished with a durable epoxy powder coating which is resistant to commonly used acids.
Many other components including the large platform are made of stainless steel for corro-
sion resistance. A large lockable tare allows for balancing of containers up to 2270 grams
(5 Lbs). Fine balancing may be accomplished using the small spring loaded tare poise.
Magnetic damping speeds up the weighing process. Readings up to 1100 grams may be
taken directly off the two beams and the slotted mass set provided extends the weighing
capacity to 20 kilograms.
Place the opened carton with the Beam Pointer facing toward the right.
Remove the corrugated liners from the front and rear of the carton. Remove the
Scale Plate from the rear liner and set it aside. Remove the corrugated box, that
contains the Slotted Masses, from the left end of the carton and set it aside.
Grasp the Balance at both ends and lift it from the carton.
Remove the corrugated liner (that protects the Base) and the wooden wedge from
under the Scale Plate support.
Place the Balance on a bench or other level surface.
Remove the wire from the Mass Hanger Assembly, the Poises, and the left end of
the Beam. Remove the wooden beam end block.
Ohaus Corporation
19A Chapin Road
P.O. Box 2033
Pine Brook, NJ 07058-2033, USA
Tel: (973) 377-9000,
Fax: (973) 593-0359
With offices worldwide.
Printed in Mexico
P/N 2339-02 R0703 © Ohaus Corporation 1995, 2003 all rights reserved.