FUEL PRESSURE TEST ······························ 5-2 FUEL FILTER ··········································· 5-2
FUEL PUMP ············································· 5-3 FUEL TANK ············································· 5-3
The fuel system of a fuel injection system holds much more a pressure than on carbureted vehicle. Prior to
disconnecting a hose or to removing a component from the fuel system, follow the recommendation described here.
Fuel lines remain under pressure at all times. Always proceed with care and use appropriate safety equipment
when working on pressurized fuel system. Wear safety glasses. Proceed with care when removing/installing
pressure test equipment or disconnecting fuel line connections. Cover the fuel line connection with an
absorbent shop rag. Slowly disconnect the fuel hose to minimize spilling. Wipe off any fuel spillage in the
engine compartment. Do not allow fuel to spill on hot engine parts and/or electrical connectors. Never use a
hose pincher