©2010 OCZ Technology Group, Inc. OCZ reserves the right
to change prices, products, or specifications without notice.
OCZ Vertex 2 Pro Solid State Drives are designed to
provide the best of both worlds - exceptional
performance with the latest cutting-edge technology
paired with unparalleled reliability. The Vertex 2 Pro
pushes the limits in both large and small file speeds
with up to 285MB/s and 50,000 IOPS (4KB random
write). With an emphasis on endurance, the Vertex 2
Pro is an enterprise-class solution that utilizes MLC
NAND flash to deliver outstanding maximized read and
write performance. Along with best-in-class reliability
and all the benefits of SSD technology including faster
access times, lower power consumption, and superior
durability compared to conventional hard drives, Vertex
2 Pro provides advanced ECC protection, encryption,
and block management.
D e s i g n & T e c h n o l o g y :
A p p l i c a t i o n s :
Tier 1:
(applicable mission-critical storage)
Data centers
Cloud computing
Video on demand
Data warehousing
Caching of tier 2 storage
K e y F e a t u r e s :
SATA 3Gbps
MLC Flash
Form Factor
285 MB/s Read
275 MB/s Write
50,000 IOPS (4K)
TRIM support
ECC Protection
Power Loss Protection
AES-128 Encryption
Part Numbers
Vertex 2 Pro 50GB
Vertex 2 Pro 100GB
Vertex 2 Pro 200GB
Vertex 2 Pro 400GB
Tier 2
(reliable storage requiring fast data access)
General purpose servers (fast tier 2)
High performance storage networks
Green storage
Tier 3:
(speed per dollar requirement)
Video and audio editing
CAD, photo editing & 3D rendering
Scientific computing and research
Highly complex financial & statistical models
Programming, engineering, and design
Computer Gaming
Workstation PCs
Prosumer Desktop/Notebooks
O C Z V e r t e x 2 P r o S e r i e s
S A T A I I 2 . 5 i n S o l i d - S t a t e D r i v e s