E n g i n e e r e d f o r R e a d - O p t i m i z e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
Best fit in virtualized massive server deployments, with read-intensive enterprise applications
Why pay a premium for SAS SSDs when SATA III easily keeps perfect pace with increasing performance
demands of SSDs?
PCIe is the future, but still considerable industry standards work to be done
SATA III is the fastest SSD segment for a reason – millions of SATA slots installed in the Enterprise IT and
hyperscale datacenters in the past five years
S a b e r 1 0 0 0 F o r V i r t u a l S e r v e r s
Outperforms most other SATA SSDs, especially in random Read/Write and is lower cost
Comparable performance, easier to use and less expensive than SAS SSDs
Used as a server side cache – increases VM density by multiple factors in VMware environments
Server side caching is the optimal way to improve storage IO performance for virtual servers
S a b e r 1 0 0 0 F o r D a t a b a s e S e r v e r s
Outperforms Intel, Samsung and SanDisk in head-to-head database performance testing internally
Compatible with virtually every standard implementation SATA HBA, RAID card and chassis
Databases are used nearly everywhere and SSD is proven to improve database performance
S a b e r 1 0 0 0 A d d r e s s e s E n t e r p r i s e & H y p e r s c a l e P a i n P o i n t s
Large VDI deployments – Where a standard client image is expected to reach the thin client quickly
Satisfying the terms of demanding Service Level Agreements (SLAs) where end users are frustrated with slow
Failure to scale-out – As your business grows, storage systems do not adequately scale performance.
Saber 1000 Series
Enterprise SATA Solid State Drives
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