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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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3.1 How to read this chapter
The bootloader is identical for all parts.
3.2 Features
12 KB on-chip boot ROM
Contains the bootloader with In-System Programming (ISP) facility and the following
In-Application Programming (IAP) of flash memory
Power profiles for optimizing power consumption and system performance
USART driver
ADC driver
SPI driver
I2C driver
Integer divide routines
3.3 Basic configuration
The clock to the ROM is enabled by default. No configuration is required to use the ROM
3.4 Pin description
When the ISP entry pin is pulled LOW on reset, the part enters ISP mode and the ISP
command handler starts up. In ISP mode, pin PIO0_0 is connected to function U0_RXD
and pin PIO0_4 is connected to function U0_TXD on the USART0 block.
3.5 General description
3.5.1 Bootloader
The bootloader controls initial operation after reset and also provides the means to
accomplish programming of the flash memory via USART. This could be initial
programming of a blank device, erasure and re-programming of a previously programmed
device, or programming of the flash memory by the application program in a running
Chapter 3: LPC82x Boot ROM
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual
Table 3.
Pin location in ISP mode
ISP entry pin