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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
55 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 5: LPC82x System configuration (SYSCON)
5.7 Functional description
5.7.1 Reset
Reset has the following sources: the RESET pin, Watchdog Reset, Power-On Reset
(POR), and Brown Out Detect (BOD). In addition, there is an ARM software reset.
The RESET pin is a Schmitt trigger input pin. Assertion of chip Reset by any source, once
the operating voltage attains a usable level, starts the IRC causing reset to remain
asserted until the external Reset is de-asserted, the oscillator is running, and the flash
controller has completed its initialization.
On the assertion of any reset source (ARM core software reset, POR, BOD reset, External
reset, and Watchdog reset), the following processes are initiated:
1. The IRC starts up. After the IRC-start-up time (maximum of 6
s on power-up), the
IRC provides a stable clock output.
2. The flash is powered up. This takes approximately 100
s. Then the flash initialization
sequence is started, which takes about 250 cycles.
3. The boot code in the ROM starts. The boot code performs the boot tasks and may
jump to the flash.
When the internal Reset is removed, the processor begins executing at address 0, which
is initially the Reset vector mapped from the boot block. At that point, all of the processor
and peripheral registers have been initialized to predetermined values.
5.7.2 Start-up behavior
for the start-up timing after reset. The IRC is the default clock at Reset and
provides a clean system clock shortly after the supply voltage reaches the threshold value
of 1.8 V.