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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 29: LPC82x ROM API I2C driver routines
29.4.4 I2C Master Transmit and Receive Polling
29.4.5 I2C Master Transmit Interrupt
Input parameter
I2C_HANDLE_T - Handle to the allocated SRAM area.
I2C_PARAM - Pointer to the I2C PARAM struct.
I2C_RESULT - Pointer to the I2C RESULT struct.
Receives bytes from slave and put into receive buffer. The slave address with
the R/W bit =0 is expected in the first byte of the send buffer. After the task is
finished, the slave address with the R/W bit =1 is in the first byte of the receive
buffer. STOP condition is sent at end unless stop_flag =0. When the task is
completed, the function returns to the line after the call.
Table 367. I2C Master Receive Polling
I2C Master Receive Polling
Table 368. I2C Master Transmit and Receive Polling
I2C Master Transmit and Receive Polling
ErrorCode_t i2c_master_tx_rx_poll(I2C_HANDLE_T* , I2C_PARAM* , I2C_RESULT*)
Input parameter
I2C_HANDLE_T - Handle to the allocated SRAM area.
I2C_PARAM - Pointer to the I2C PARAM struct.
I2C_RESULT - Pointer to the I2C RESULT struct.
First, transmit bytes in the send buffer to a slave and secondly, receives bytes
from slave and store it in the receive buffer. The slave address with the R/W
bit =0 is expected in the first byte of the send buffer. After the task is finished,
the slave address with the R/W bit =1 is in the first byte of the receive buffer.
STOP condition is sent at end unless stop_flag =0. When the task is
completed, the function returns to the line after the call.
Table 369. I2C Master Transmit Interrupt
I2C Master Transmit Interrupt
ErrorCode_t i2c_master_transmit_intr(I2C_HANDLE_T* , I2C_PARAM* ,
Input parameter
I2C_HANDLE_T - Handle to the allocated SRAM area.
I2C_PARAM - Pointer to the I2C PARAM struct.
I2C_RESULT - Pointer to the I2C RESULT struct.
Transmits bytes in the send buffer to a slave. The slave address with the R/W
bit =0 is expected in the first byte of the send buffer. STOP condition is sent at
end unless stop_flag =0. Program control will be returned immediately and
task will be completed on an interrupt-driven basis. When task is completed,
the callback function is called.