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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 28: LPC82x SPI API ROM driver routines
: Enables the receive overrun and transmit underrun error interrupts. SPI_PARAM_T
This structure defines the SPI configuration.
typedef struct {
// params passed to SPI driver function
uint16_t *tx_buffer; // SPI TX buffer, needed in master and slave TX only
uint16_t *rx_buffer; // SPI RX buffer, needed in master RX only, TX and RX,
uint32_t size; // total number of SPI frames
uint32_t fsize_sel; // data lenth of one transfer and SPI SSELx select in TXCTL
uint32_t tx_rx_flag;
uint32_t driver_mode;
SPI_DMA_CFG_T *dma_cfg; // DMA configuration
SPI_CALLBK_T cb; // callback function
SPI_DMA_REQ_T dma_cb; // SPI DMA channel setup callback
The following variables are used in this structure:
: number of SPI frames. A transfer can consist of several transmits of the
TXCTLDAT register and of several frames.
: write the contents of the SPI TXCTL register to select the data length and the
slave select lines. In slave mode, you need to only select the data length. See
: select receive/transmit mode.
0x0 = SPI transmit only mode
0x1 = SPI receive only mode
0x2 = SPI transmit and receive mode, master mode only, transmit data transfer on
MOSI and receive data transfer on MISO.
: select the driver mode.
0x0 = Polling mode. Function is blocked until transfer has finished.
0x1 = Interrupt mode. Function exits immediately and a call back function is invoked
when the transfer has finished.
0x2 = DMA mode. Data transferred by SPI is processed by DMA. The DMA_req
function is called for SPI DMA channel set up. The callback function indicates when
the transfer is complete. SPI_DMA_CFG_T
This structure configures the channels used for DMA transfer between the SPI and
memory. See
, for the DMA channels connected to the SPI
receive and transmit request lines.
To perform a DMA transfer for receive data, also enable the SPI transmit DMA channel, so
that a SPI clock is generated.