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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
272 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 16: LPC82x SCTimer/PWM
16.6.5 SCT halt event select register
The running counter can be disabled (halted) by an event. When any of the events
selected in this register occur, the counter stops running and all further events are
Each bit of the register is associated with a different event (bit 0 with event 0, etc.). Setting
a bit will cause its associated event to serve as a HALT event. To define the actual events
that cause the counter to halt (a match, an I/O pin toggle, etc.), see the EVn_CTRL
A HALT condition can only be removed when software clears the HALT bit in the
CTRL register (
If UNIFY = 1 in the CONFIG register, only the L bits are used.
If UNIFY = 0 in the CONFIG register, this register can be written to as two registers
HALT_L and HALT_H. Both the L and H registers can be read or written individually or in a
single 32-bit read or write operation.
16.6.6 SCT stop event select register
The running counter can be stopped by an event. When any of the events selected in this
register occur, counting is suspended, that is the counter stops running and remains at its
current value. Event generation remains enabled, and any event selected in the START
register such as an I/O event or an event generated by the other counter can restart the
This register specifies which events stop the counter. Each bit of the register is associated
with a different event (bit 0 with event 0, etc.). Setting a bit will cause its associated event
to serve as a STOP event. To define the actual event that causes the counter to stop (a
match, an I/O pin toggle, etc.), see the EVn_CTRL register.
Software can stop and restart the counter by writing to the CTRL register.
If UNIFY = 1 in the CONFIG register, only the _L bits are used.
If UNIFY = 0 in the CONFIG register, this register can be written to as two registers
STOPT_L and STOP_H. Both the L and H registers can be read or written individually or
in a single 32-bit read or write operation.
Table 226. SCT halt event select register (HALT, address 0x5000 400C) bit description
If bit n is one, event n sets the HALT_L bit in the CTRL register
(event 0 = bit 0, event 1 = bit 1, event 7 = bit 7).
If bit n is one, event n sets the HALT_H bit in the CTRL register
(event 0 = bit 16, event 1 = bit 17, event 7 = bit 23).