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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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16.1 How to read this chapter
The SCTimer/PWM is available on all parts.
For a detailed description of SCTimer/PWM applications and code examples,
16.2 Features
The SCTimer/PWM supports:
Eight match/capture registers.
Eight events.
Eight states.
Four inputs with multiple connection options through the input MUX.
Six outputs.
Counter/timer features:
Each SCTimer is configurable as two 16-bit counters or one 32-bit counter.
Counters clocked by system clock or selected input.
Configurable as up counters or up-down counters.
Configurable number of match and capture registers. Up to five match and capture
registers total.
Upon match and/or an input or output transition create the following events:
interrupt; stop, limit, halt the timer or change counting direction; toggle outputs;
change the state.
Counter value can be loaded into capture register triggered by a match or
input/output toggle.
PWM features:
Counters can be used in conjunction with match registers to toggle outputs and
create time-proportioned PWM signals.
Up to 6 single-edge or dual-edge PWM outputs with independent duty cycle and
common PWM cycle length.
Event creation features:
The following conditions define an event: a counter match condition, an input (or
output) condition such as an rising or falling edge or level, a combination of match
and/or input/output condition.
Selected events can limit, halt, start, or stop a counter or change its direction.
Events trigger state changes, output toggles, interrupts, and DMA transactions.
Match register 0 can be used as an automatic limit.
In bi-directional mode, events can be enabled based on the count direction.
Match events can be held until another qualifying event occurs.
Chapter 16: LPC82x SCTimer/PWM
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual