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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 15: LPC82x I2C0/1/2/3 Master write to slave
Configure the I2C as master: Set the MSTEN bit to 1 in the CFG register. See
Write data to the slave:
1. Write the slave address with the RW bit set to 0 to the Master data register MSTDAT.
2. Start the transmission by setting the MSTSTART bit to 1 in the Master control register.
. The following happens:
The pending status is cleared and the I2C-bus is busy.
The I2C master sends the start bit and address with the RW bit to the slave.
3. Wait for the pending status to be set (MSTPENDING = 1) by polling the STAT register.
4. Write 8 bits of data to the MSTDAT register.
5. Continue with the transmission of data by setting the MSTCONT bit to 1 in the Master
control register. See
. The following happens:
The pending status is cleared and the I2C-bus is busy.
The I2C master sends the data bits to the slave address.
6. Wait for the pending status to be set (MSTPENDING = 1) by polling the STAT register.
7. Stop the transmission by setting the MSTSTOP bit to 1 in the Master control register.
See Master read from slave
Configure the I2C as master: Set the MSTEN bit to 1 in the CFG register. See
Read data from the slave:
1. Write the slave address with the RW bit set to 1 to the Master data register MSTDAT.
2. Start the transmission by setting the MSTSTART bit to 1 in the Master control register.
. The following happens:
The pending status is cleared and the I2C-bus is busy.
The I2C master sends the start bit and address with the RW bit to the slave.
The slave sends 8 bit of data.
3. Wait for the pending status to be set (MSTPENDING = 1) by polling the STAT register.
4. Read 8 bits of data from the MSTDAT register.
5. Stop the transmission by setting the MSTSTOP bit to 1 in the Master control register.
15.3.2 I2C receive/transmit in slave mode
In this example, the I2C is configured as the slave. The slave receives 8 bits from the
master and sends 8 bits to the slave. The system clock is set to 30 MHz and the bit rate is
approximately 400 kHz. You must enable the I2C0_SCL and I2C0_SDA functions on pins
PIO0_11 and PIO0_10 or assign the SCL and SDA functions for any of the other I2C
blocks to pins through the switch matrix. See