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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
184 of 487
13.1 How to read this chapter
Three USARTs are available on all parts depending on the switch matrix configuration.
13.2 Features
7, 8, or 9 data bits and 1 or 2 stop bits
Synchronous mode with master or slave operation. Includes data phase selection and
continuous clock option.
Multiprocessor/multidrop (9-bit) mode with software address compare.
RS-485 transceiver output enable.
Parity generation and checking: odd, even, or none.
Software selectable oversampling from 5 to 16 clocks in asynchronous mode.
One transmit and one receive data buffer.
RTS/CTS for hardware signaling for automatic flow control. Software flow control can
be performed using Delta CTS detect, Transmit Disable control, and any GPIO as an
RTS output.
Received data and status can optionally be read from a single register
Break generation and detection.
Receive data is 2 of 3 sample "voting". Status flag set when one sample differs.
Built-in Baud Rate Generator with autobaud function.
A fractional rate divider is shared among all USARTs.
Interrupts available for Receiver Ready, Transmitter Ready, Receiver Idle, change in
receiver break detect, Framing error, Parity error, Overrun, Underrun, Delta CTS
detect, and receiver sample noise detected.
Loopback mode for testing of data and flow control.
USARTn transmit and receive functions can operated with the system DMA
13.3 Basic configuration
Configure the USARTs for receiving and transmitting data:
In the SYSAHBCLKCTRL register, set bit 3 to 5 (
) to enable the clock to the
register interface.
Clear the USART peripheral resets using the PRESETCTRL register (
Enable or disable the USART interrupts in slots #3 to #5 in the NVIC. See
Configure the USART pin functions through the switch matrix.
Configure the USART clock and baud rate. See
Send and receive lines are connected to DMA request lines. See
Chapter 13: LPC82x USART0/1/2
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual