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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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9.1 How to read this chapter
All GPIO registers refer to 32 pins on each port. Depending on the package type, not all
pins are available, and the corresponding bits in the GPIO registers are reserved.
9.2 Basic configuration
For the GPIO port registers, enable the clock to the GPIO port in the SYSAHBCLKCTRL
register (
9.3 Features
GPIO pins can be configured as input or output by software.
All GPIO pins default to inputs with interrupt disabled at reset.
Pin registers allow pins to be sensed and set individually.
Direction (input/output) can be set and cleared individually.
9.4 General description
The GPIO pins can be used in several ways to set pins as inputs or outputs and use the
inputs as combinations of level and edge sensitive interrupts.
The GPIOs can be used as external interrupts together with the pin interrupt block.
The GPIO port registers configure each GPIO pin as input or output and read the state of
each pin if the pin is configured as input or set the state of each pin if the pin is configured
as output.
9.5 Register description
Note: In all GPIO registers, bits that are not shown are reserved.
GPIO port addresses can be read and written as bytes, halfwords, or words.
ext in this table and subsequent tables indicates that the data read after reset
depends on the state of the pin, which in turn may depend on an external source.
Chapter 9: LPC82x General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual
Table 112. GPIO pins available
GPIO Port 0
PIO0_0 to PIO0_5; PIO0_8 to PIO0_15; PIO0_17; PIO0_23
PIO0_0 to PIO0_28