• When there is interference such as water drop on the self-cap, C
becomes larger. When PH2 is turned on, C
some charge in C
during transfer, the current charging C
becomes smaller, and the number of charging times increases,
so counter number increases.
Water drop induces TSI count increasing. It is an opposite trend, compared with normal touch – count decreasing.
4.2 Advantages of three shield channels of KE17Z of each TSI
3-shield channels can enhance the liquid tolerance and improve the driving ability of shield channel.
Based on X-KE17Z-TSI board, add Load capacitor 47 pF to shield channel. Perform a set of tests: Blue line is the Spring key in
self-cap mode, yellow line is shield channel, and clock frequency is 1.04 MHz.
According to the test results, when the load increases and the three shield channels are opened, the waveform of the shield
channel can still follow the waveform of the self-cap channel.
3 shield channels on
2 shield channels on
1 shield channel on
Figure 22. Driving capability comparison of shield channels
4.3 Principle of mutual-cap mode to improve liquid tolerance
Mutual-cap mode does not need the shield electrode.
When there is a water drop between RX and TX, a parasitic cap is made between drive electrode and receiving electrode. C
increased. It enlarges the collected charge and reduces the count number.
While the panel is touched, there is less coupling between drive electrode and receive electrode. C
is decreased, C
= C
+ C
is increased. The count number increases. Therefore, water drops do not send out a mis-trigger in mutual-cap mode.
Figure 23. Mutual-cap mode count values of touch, no touch, and water drop
5 Hardware design guide
NXP Semiconductors
Hardware design guide
KE17Z Dual TSI User Guide, Rev. 0, 05 May 2022
User Guide
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