NXP Semiconductors
EdgeLock A5000 Secure Authenticator for electronic anti-counterfeit protection using device-to-device
• Certificate/Public Key
: The Certificate/Public Key as read from the Secure Element
can still be inserted into the OpenSSL key structure.
The A5000 Secure Authenticator can be easily integrated by applications which are
already using the OpensSSL API or the command-line tools. Instead of using a private
key, the application needs to use a reference key.
For more details, please see the Plug & Trust Middleware documentation:
• 8.1. Introduction on OpenSSL engine
• 5.3.2. AWS Demo for iMX Linux / RaspberryPi
• 5.4.2. OpenSSL Engine: TLS Client example for iMX/Rpi3
Run the following command to check weather OpenSSL is installed or not:
openssl version
Figure 9. Check the installed OpenSSL version
If OpenSSL is not already installed, you can run the following commands to install it:
apt-get install openssl libssl-dev
4.3 Plug & Trust Middleware ssscli tool introduction
The ssscli is a command line tool that can be used to send commands to A5000
interactively through the command line. For example, you can use the ssscli to create
keys and credentials in the A5000 security IC during evaluation, development and testing
phases. The ssscli tool is written in Python and supports complex provisioning scripts
that can be run in Windows, Linux, OS X and other embedded devices. It can be used to:
Insert keys and certificates in DER or PEM format into the A5000
Retrieve the public keys and certificates form A5000 and store the key into a DER
Create reference-keys and store the key into a DER or PEM formatted file
Delete A5000 (erase) keys and certificates inside
Generate keys inside the EdgeLock A5000
Attach policies to objects
List all A5000 secure objects
Retrieve the A5000 device unique ID
Run some A5000 basic operations like sign/verify and encrypt/decrypt operations. Please
refer to the Plug & Trust Middleware documentation chapter "9. CLI Tool" for detailed
description how to use ssscli tool. Alternative use the following command to display the
ssscli built in help:
ssscli --help
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Application note
Rev. 1.0 — 28 March 2022
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