NXP Semiconductors
PNEV5190B evaluation board quick start guide
1. Right-click on the project
2. Select “Build Configurations/SetActive/DebugFRDMK82F” option
Figure 16. Import secure firmware project to the MCUXpresso IDE
After that step, the project structure shall look like in the picture below.
Figure 17. Project Explorer Window
As a next step, it is necessary to build all projects. That can be achieved by clicking the
“Build all projects” in the “Quickstart Panel”.
The next step is to flash and debug the application. Highlight the “DownloadLibEx1”
project in the “Project Explorer” window and click “Debug” in the “Quickstart Panel”,
as shown in the next figure. The MCUXpresso IDE builds the application, flash the
application binary, and starts with the debugging process.
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Application note
Rev. 1.5 — 23 April 2021
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