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Monitoring or Configuring a Single ACU
The Hoffman A.C. Monitor can monitor and configure a single ACU through the network
5.1 Monitoring a Single ACU
To monitor a single ACU, click on the “Single ACU Monitor” tab. Enter the IP Address of the ACU
in the “Device ID” field and click on the “Enable Comm” button. The text on the “Enable Comm”
button will change to “Disable Comm” when communications with the ACU is established. Click on
the “Disable Comm” button to stop monitoring a single ACU.
The Standalone or Master ACU information will be displayed on the left side of the window. If the
ACU is a Master in a Master/Slave configuration, a window on the right will open for each Slave
ACU. ACU faults will be shown as text messages in the “Faults” window.
5.2 Configuring a Single ACU
To configure a single ACU, click on the “Single ACU Monitor” tab. Enter the IP Address of the ACU
in the “Device ID” field, and enter the SNMP Community in the “Community” field. The default
SNMP Community of “public” will not allow ACU configuration changes to be made. The default
SNMP Community of “private” will allow configuration changes, but it is likely that this default
SNMP Community ID was changed when the ACU was installed.
Click on the “Single ACU Settings” tab to open the ACU configuration window. Click on the “Read
Settings” button to read the current configuration from the ACU. Change the desired field in the
window, and click in the corresponding checkbox (square) to enable changing, and click on the
“Change Settings” button.
The Master/Slave configuration and the Door Switch Polarity can be changed using the same
Note: the Temperature setpoints can only be changed in 0.1 degree steps. There is an upper and
lower limit to all of the temperature settings.