of the grounding system.
Refer to the instructions supplied with the
LECV when installing the unit.
When mounting the LECV, ensure that:
• It is mounted in a secure area that is not
prone to contact with moving objects,
theft or vandalism.
• It is not mounted in an area that is prone
to flooding.
• The display can be easily viewed if the
LECV is mounted vertically and is encased
in a separate enclosure.
• For conventional cable applications the
LECV should be mounted at the location,
before the lightning current can split to
multiple conducting paths. If the current
splits, the counter might not iterate.
: LECV in protective enclosure with clear viewing window, for easy counter reading
The Lightning Event Counter is a device for
registering and recording the number of
strikes that the nVent ERICO System
has intercepted. The nVent ERICO LECV is
the latest event counter model and features
a digital display. nVent also accepts use
of the LECIV and LECIVR for System
The following should be considered prior to
installation of the Lightning Event Counter:
• It is advisable to locate the LECV in a
secure area that is not prone to contact
with moving objects, theft or vandalism.
• If the LECV is to be encased in an
additional enclosure, ensure that it is
mounted to enable easy access to the
display (see Figure
The LECV can be mounted at any point on
the downconductor or at the injection point
Protective enclosure
Clear window
LECV shown mounted
in an enclosure