Raising of Mast
When ready to raise the mast, check
the following:
• Guys to the inline coupling, guying ring
or other mast anchor points are
properly secured.
• Ensure the guys are not twisted, kinked or
damaged in any way.
• Ensure that each guy can be easily
secured at the anchors when the mast
has been raised.
Turnbuckles or rigging screws are
recommended at the base anchor points of
the guys to enable easy vertical alignment
of the mast and correct tensioning of the
guys. If using turn-buckles, ensure that they
are wired securely with nichrome wire.
Using conductive guying, such as stainless
steel, is acceptable as long as it is NOT used
for guying to the top of sections of insulated
FRP mast. Guying to the top of an aluminum
section of mast is acceptable.
Remember to always plan the lift
before attempting it.
If the mast is to be raised by hand,
ensure that it can be safely and easily
managed manually.
It is recommended that the use of a crane
or other suitable equipment be used for
anything over
m (
ft.) in height, or for
hazardous area installations such as high
elevations (towers).
To minimize the possibility of the mast
becoming bent or damaged, it is very
important to keep the mast straight during
the lift.
Ensure that:
There are no overhead
AC power lines.
• There is nothing overhead that will
obstruct the lift.
• There is enough man-power available to
safely conduct the lift.
• There is only ONE person in control of
the lift.
• Everyone involved in the lift knows what
has been planned and how the lift is to
be performed.
• The mast is securely footed and cannot
move out of control during the lift.
• Any guying has been properly secured
at the mast anchor points.
• The downconductor has been
correctly terminated and the structure
bonding cable has been attached to
the termination.