Main menu page appears when the password is
approved by pushing enter key (F4). Submenu
can be selected by using the value increase and
decrease keys. The selected menu becomes red
and enter key (F4) is pushed to enter this menu.
Settings page appears when “settings”
submenu is selected from the menu page by the
value increase (F1) and decrease (F2) keys. The
required submenu is chosen by using the value
increase and decrease keys.
“Date/Time Settings” submenu is selected on
the settings page by the value increase (F1) and
decrease (F2) keys. The page shown on the left
appears when enter key (F4) is pushed. Time is
shown in the format of “hour:minute” and the
cursor is on hour part when “Date/Time
Settings” page comes to the screen. Hour is
adjusted by pushing the value increase (F1) and
decrease (F2) keys. In order to continue to
adjust, push enter key (F4).
If you want to exit this page without any change, push the backspace key (F3).
“Select Language” submenu is selected on the
settings page by using the value increase (F1) and
decrease (F2) keys. The page on the left appears
when enter key (F4) is pushed. The language of
the control panel can be set as Turkish, English,
French, Russian or Spanish. Push the value
increase (F1) and decrease (F2) keys to select the
language and then push the enter key (F4) to save
the selection. If you want to exit this page without
any change, push the backspace key (F3).