Original Instructions
INSTNeutralizerAC – 11/10
Owner’s Manual
Ionizing Blow Gun
Model 6500
Principle of Operation
NRD’s electric static eliminators operate on the principle of corona discharge. This type of ionizer is
simple to use and very efficient for removing static charges, which can attract and hold onto dust and
Corona ionization occurs when an electrical voltage is placed on a sharp point called an emitter pin.
In a properly designed AC (alternating current) ionizing device, both positive and negative ions are
produced making it capable of neutralizing either polarity on a statically charged object or surface.
Contents of Package:
One (1) Neutralizer
AC Model 6500 Ionizing Blow Gun
Two (2) Emitter Pins (1 installed)
One (1) Battery Charger
Two (2) Safety Keys (1 installed)
Two (2) Trigger Lockout Clip (1 installed)
2937 Alt Boulevard / PO Box 310 / Grand Island, NY 14072-0310
716 773 7634 /
716 773 7744 /