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6.2 Menu string in the language to be added
In Japanese / English definition file "menu_text.ini", the character string following "A =" is a Japanese character
string and the character string following "B =" is English.
6.2.1 Menu definition with additional string
For additional language files, please define the menu string following "M =" in additional languages.
The string following "E =" is in English, but it can be in Japanese. Ignored when loading files.
Please use "E =" character string for comparison with "M =" character string when confirming that there is no
omission in items or that there is no mistake in the meaning of additional characters.
# Menu 1
M=Datei (&D)
E=Load data (&L)
M=Lade Daten (&L)
E=Save data (&S)
M=Daten speichern (&S)
E=Overwrite data (&O)
M=Daten überschreiben (&O)
E=Clear data (&C)
M=Daten löschen (&C)
E=Output the source code (&P)
M=Gib den Quellcode aus (&P)
E=C# (&S)
M=C# (&S)
E=C++Builder (&B)
M=C++Builder (&B)
E=Exit (&E)
M=Ende (&E)
Please do not increase or decrease menu items arbitrarily.
If you increase items, there will be a gap in the menu displayed when you run the software.
If it is reduced items, there will be a shift in the menu as well as an error may occur.
"E =" and "M =" have no specific meaning.
Early in software development we used them for distinguishing between Japanese and English, but now they
are not used.
Any two letters can be used (Basically, first two half-width characters are ignored).