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Once the receiver calculates the range to a satellite, it knows that it lies
somewhere on an imaginary sphere whose radius is equal to this range. If a
second satellite is then found, a second sphere can again be calculated from this
range information. The receiver will now know that it lies somewhere on the
circle of points produced where these two spheres intersect.
When a third satellite is detected, and a range determined, a third sphere
intersects the area formed by the other two. This intersection occurs at just two
points. A fourth satellite is then used to synchronize the receiver clock to the
satellite clocks.
In practice, just four satellite measurements are sufficient for the receiver to
determine a position, as one of the two points will be totally unreasonable
(possibly many kilometers out into space). This assumes the satellite and
receiver timing to be identical. In reality, when the receiver compares the
incoming signal with its own internal copy of the code and clock, the two will no
longer be synchronized. Timing error in the satellite clocks, the receiver, and
other anomalies mean that the measurement of the signal transit time is in error.
This, effectively, is a constant for all satellites since each measurement is made
simultaneously on parallel tracking channels. Because of this, the resulting
ranges calculated are known as “pseudo-ranges”.
5.0 Antenna
SMA female antenna connection provides internal 3.5VDC power at <40mA
max. The Novus NA103 pole mount antennas or the Novus NA106 magnetic
mount antenna are recommended for optimal performance.
The receiver and companion elements generate the PPS and NMEA serial link.
The serial link conforms to NMEA 0183 protocol. The 26 channel high-sensitivity,
high-accuracy Multi-GNSS receiver supports TRAIM, GPS, GLONASS, QZSS,
SBAS, Active Anti-Jamming and Advanced Multipath Mitigation Functions.