OUT.B Function:
Allows you to define
output function: “Off”, “Control Output 1”, “Control Output 2”, “Alarm 1”, “Alarm 2”, “Alarm 3”,
“Alarm 4”, “Timer 1”, “Timer 2” or “Modbus-Coil” (see
Control cycle action period:
Allows you to define the PWM cycle value. Available only when the
Proportional Band
parameter is
0. Range:
0,5 ~ 100,0 (in seconds).
Allows you to define the auto-tuning mode: “Off”, “Fast tuning”, “Precise tuning”, “Precise and auto-adaptative tuning”, “New precise
and auto-adaptative tuning”, “New precise and auto-adaptative tuning when
” (see
This screen is divided into tabs, which group the features by parameter type. Information regarding ClickNGo modules can be viewed in the specific
module datasheet.
This tab allows you to configure the parameters related to the analog input:
QuickTune Mobile
Analog input tab
Sensor type of the main input:
Allows you to define the sensor type of the main input (see
Temperature Unit:
Allows you to define the temperature unit to be used: “Celsius” or “Fahrenheit”.
Decimal Places:
Allows you to define the number of decimal places to be used when displaying SP and PV values: “No decimal places” or “One
decimal place”.
Main input digital filter:
Allows you to define a filter for the main input. Used to improve the stability of the measured signal (PV). Adjustable
between 0 and 999.9. At 0, it means that the filter is off. At 999.9, it means the filter is at maximum. The larger the filter, the slower the response
of the measured value.
Lower limit of SP:
Allows you to define the lower limit for the Setpoint adjustment. Allows you to define the minimum value of the PV indication
range and limit the SP adjustment of the available
linear analog signal inputs
(0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 V and 0-10 V).
Upper limit of SP:
Allows you to define the upper limit for the Setpoint adjustment. Allows you to define the maximum value of the PV indication
range and limit the SP adjustment of the available
linear analog signal inputs
(0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 V and 0-10 V).