Fig. 04
– Analog Channel Screen
Allows you to set a name, which will be used as channel identification during a download, for the digital channel. The field accepts up to
16 characters.
Input Type:
Allows you to configure the type of sensor to be used in each analog channel.
Allows you to configure the unit for each analog channel. In the case of temperature sensors, it is possible to select the units °C or °F.
For other sensors, it is possible to describe the unit with up to eight characters.
Allows you to configure the operation mode to use for each analog channel. If "Instant" mode is selected, the channel is read, and the
value will be logged at each log range. If "Average" mode is selected, the device will take 10 channel readings within the log range and at each
log range the average of these 10 readings will be logged.
Decimal Places:
Allows you to configure the number of decimal places of each analog channel. Temperature Sensors can be configured to
show up to one decimal place. Other sensor types can be configured to show up to two decimal places.
Lower Limit:
If the sensor configured for the channel is a temperature or internal diagnostic sensor, the lower limit will be filled by the software
with the sensor’s lower limit. If the sensor configured for the channel is of the linear sensor type (mV, V, or mA), it will be necessary to fill in the
desired value to represent the minimum value of the chosen sensor.
Upper Limit:
If the sensor configured for the channel is a temperature or internal diagnostic sensor, the upper limit will be filled by the software
with the sensor’s upper limit. If the sensor configured for the channel is of the linear sensor type (mV, V, or mA), it will be necessary to fill in the
desired value to represent the maximum value of the chosen sensor.
Lower Alarm:
Allows you to enable and configure a lower alarm Setpoint for each channel.
Allows you to configure a lower alarm hysteresis for each channel.
Upper Alarm:
Allows you to enable and configure an upper alarm Setpoint for each channel.
Allows you to configure an upper alarm hysteresis for each channel.
Allows you to make small adjustments to the readings of each channel. The configured Offset will be added to all readings performed
on the configured channel.
icon opens the custom calibration screen, which allows you to adjust up to 10 measurement points for each channel. When a custom
calibration has been configured, the minimum number of setpoints is two points.
Fig. 05
– Customized Calibration Screen
Displays the device’s read value for which a correction is desired. It can be obtained by clicking the "Read Channel" button or
manually filled in.
Shows the user’s desired value for the device measured value. It must be filled manually.
Read Channel:
Allows you to obtain the device’s values during a custom calibration.
Allows you to enter the "Measured" and "Desired" pair in the Custom Calibration table.
Allows you to modify the "Measured" and "Desired" pair in the Custom Calibration table.