Installation FlexPak6
Chapter 3
OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual Rev 7
FlexPak6 Alternative Power Source
If the 12 V car adapter is not convenient, it can be cut off from the power cable. The exposed wires can
then be tied to a 6-36 VDC power supply capable of at least 5 W.
For an alternative power source:
a. Cut the 12 V car adapter from the power cable.
b. Install a user supplied 6 A slow blow fuse at the power source to protect the power supply wiring
and your warranty.
c. Tie the exposed wires to a 6-36 VDC supply capable of at least 5 W. Be sure to connect the red
and orange or green wires to the positive side of the power supply and connect the black and
brown or white wires to the negative side of the power supply.
Plug in the adapter and/or turn on the power supply. The power LED turns on when the FlexPak6 is
properly powered.
The supplied 12 V power adapter cannot be used for 24 V or above systems.
Since the 12 V car adapter on the supplied adapter cable incorporates a 6 A fuse, a user
supplied 6 A slow blow fuse in a suitable holder must be used at the alternate power source
to protect both the power supply and your warranty. The car adapter is not recommended
for use if your power source is greater than 12 V.
The FlexPak6 provides an output voltage on pin 4 of COM2 (POUT). This output voltage is
at the same level as the power source used to power the FlexPak6. To ensure equipment
connected to COM2 is not damaged, refer to the
Table 30, FlexPak6 Port Pin-Out
Table 31, FlexPak6 I/O Port Pin-Out Descriptions
The Ethernet ports are Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) circuits only and are suitable for
connection within a building only. Do not connect them to Telephone Network Voltage (TNV)
Table 4: Fuse/Holder Recommendations-12 V System
BK/MDA-6-R Fuse (or equivalent)
BK/MDL-6-R Fuse (or equivalent)
BK/HFA-R-R Fuse (or equivalent)
The fuse and holder are made by Cooper/Bussmann; available from Digikey.
6 A Fuse