Connection Comment
Power supply 4-pin socket (Binder, series 680) for power supply cable
Channels 1 to 4 One 25-pin D-subconnector per channel to connect the signals needed to control dispensing.
Channels 1 and 2 are standard; Channels 3 and 4 can be added if desired; the ducts for Channels 3
and 4 are ready and are covered with a label.
CAN bus 9-pin D-subconnector for optional connection of a higher-ranking control unit with CAN bus
Update interface 8-pin socket (Binder, series 581) for Nordson EFD use only
Back Panel Components
[Dimensions W x H = approx. 138 x 106 mm (5.4 x 4.2 in.)]
(Nordson EFD
use only)
Socket for power
supply cable
detailed information.
D-subconnectors for
Channels 3 and 4 (if
D-subconnector for
CAN bus cable
detailed information.
D-subconnectors for
Channels 1 and 2
detailed information.
PICO Controller 2+2-XCH-V2
www.nordsonefd.com [email protected]
+1-401-431-7000 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.