Bluetooth component layout
Bluetooth settings for Phoenix
1. Start Phoenix service software.
2. From the File menu, choose Open Product, and then choose the correct type designator from the Product list.
3. Connect the phone to a docking station in the local mode.
4. From the Testing menu, choose Bluetooth LOCALS.
5. Locate JBT-9’s serial number (12 digits) found in the type label on the back of JBT-9.
6. In the Bluetooth LOCALS window, write the 12-digit serial number on the "Counterpart BT Device Address"
This needs to be done only once provided that JBT-9 is not changed.
7. Place the JBT-9 box near (within 10 cm) the BT antenna and click Run BER Test.
BB Troubleshooting and Manual Tuning Guide
Nokia Customer Care
9241872 (Issue 1)
Company Confidential
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