Take better photos with smart sequence mode
Want to take better photos of moving objects or take a group photo where everyone is at their best?
Use smart sequence mode and snap superb photos.
1. Tap Lumia Camera.
2. Tap .
3. To take a photo, tap .
The phone takes a sequence of photos. To see what you can do with them, tap , then tap the photo
and edit smart sequence.
Add movement to your photos
Use the Lumia Cinemagraph app to animate your still photos and make them seem almost alive.
To download the Lumia Cinemagraph app or check that you have the latest version, go to
www.windowsphone.com. Lumia Cinemagraph may not be available for all phone models.
1. Tap Lumia Cinemagraph.
2. To take a photo, tap and the screen.
3. Pick the areas you want to animate, and tap .
4. To save the animated photo, tap .
Photos and videos
Shot lots of great photos and videos? Here's how you view, organise, share, and edit them.
Photos hub
The photos you've taken or videos you've recorded with your phone are saved to the Photos hub,
where you can browse and view them.
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