Product features
2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Call termination
When the PBX or the telephone set connected to the Nokia 22 terminates the
call by switching over to the ON-HOOK state, the Nokia 22 terminates the GSM
connection immediately.
When the B subscriber terminates the call, the GSM connection of the terminal
is terminated as the PBX or the telephone set connected to the terminal switch-
es over to the ON-HOOK state.
Light indicators
There are five light indicators on the
Nokia 22.
Light indicators 1 and 2 indicate the
state of the application module and light
indicators 3, 4 and 5 indicate the state of
the GSM terminal.
The terminal is ready for use when the
light indicator 3 is lit.
The use of light indicators is described in Table 1: Application module light
indicators and Table 2: GSM terminal light indicators.