automatically exit learning mode.
Expert remark: NodOn
created a power efficient « Learning mode ». During this
mode, the Micro Smart Plug will send its « Node Information » (NIF) at regular
If the Primary Controller is battery powered (such as the NodOn
Octan Remote), first put the Micro Smart Plug in
“Learning mode”, and then proceed to the INCLUSION/EXCLUSION procedure of your controller.
To send a single NIF, just triple press on the Micro Smart Plug’s button.
LED state
Smart Plug State
Shine Red
Learning mode activated
Blink in Green
Successful Inclusion
Blink in Red
Successful Exclusion
Blink in Orange
“Learning mode” Timeout
“Factory Reset”
To perform a factory reset, press on the Micro Smart Plug button during 5 seconds
until the LED becomes orange. Release the button, the LED will blink red/green.
Factory Reset clears the Micro Smart Plug’s memory and set parameters to their
default value.
: Please use this procedure only when the primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
Resetting the Micro Smart Plug does not mean it has been removed from Z-Wave
network controller’s memory.
Use the primary controller to remove the Micro Smart Plug from its Z-Wave
network (follow “EXCLUSION”
procedures below), before doing a Factory Reset.
To add the Micro Smart Plug into a Z-Wave
Plug the Micro Smart Plug.
Put the Micro Smart Plug in “Learning mode”.
Within 30 seconds put the Z-Wave
Controller in “Learning mode”
(See the Controller user guide for its own Inclusion procedure).
The Micro Smart Plug will confirm the success of the Inclusion procedure
by blinking its LED in Green.
To remove the Micro Smart Plug from a Z-Wave
Make sure the Micro Smart Plug is plugged.
Put the Micro Smart Plug in “Learning mode”.
Within 30 seconds put the Z-Wave
Controller in “Learning mode”
(See the Controller user guide for its own Exclusion procedure).
The Micro Smart Plug will confirm the success of the Exclusion procedure by blinking
its LED in Red.
Micro Smart Plug is able to measure the amount of electric energy consumed by
the load plugged on it. This function is able to return the power in Watt (W) and
the energy in Watt-hour (Wh) consumed since the product was installed or since
the last reset.
This energy and power reports are accessible through your gateway’s interface.
Using association group, the Micro Smart Plug is able to command or notify
another device of a Z-Wave
The association groups are set by the Main Controller. Once set, the association
groups allow direct control, between Micro Smart Plug and associated devices,
without involving the Main Controller in the communication.
The NodOn
Micro Smart Plug proposes 6 association groups:
Group Name
Follow State
Follow Complementary State
Metering - High Threshold - Set
Metering - Low Threshold - Set
Metering - Report
Group 1 – Lifeline
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
This group is generally used to report information of the Micro Smart Plug to the
Main Controller of the network.
Group 2 – Follow State
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
When the Micro Smart Plug is switched ON (respectively OFF) using the local
button, it will send ON (respectively OFF) command to the associated devices. No
command is sent if the Micro Smart Plug is switched ON or OFF wirelessly.
This group is configurable through the parameter 3.
Group 3 – Follow Complementary State
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
When the Micro Smart Plug is switched ON (respectively OFF) using the local
button, it will send OFF (respectively ON) command to the associated devices. No
command is sent if the Micro Smart Plug is switched ON or OFF wirelessly.
Group 4 - Metering - High Threshold - Set On/Off
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
When the Micro Smart Plug reaches over the high threshold of power defined by
the configuration parameter, it will send OFF or ON command to the associated
This group is configurable through the parameter 25 and 27.
Group 5 - Metering - Low Threshold - Set On/Off
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
When the Micro Smart Plug reaches below the low threshold of power defined by
the configuration parameter, it will send OFF or ON command to the associated
This group is configurable through the parameters 26 and 27.
Group 6 - Metering - Report
Maximum number of devices in group: 5
All the meter reports and notifications triggered by Metering parameters will be
reported to the devices present in this group.
This group is configurable through the parameters 21, 22, 23 and 24.
The Micro Smart Plug NodOn
offers a wide range of configurations, which can be
set and handled by the Z-Wave
network Main Controller.
Default State
Parameter Number
Default Value
1 [byte]
This parameter defines the status of the Micro Smart Plug after a power outage
or after being plugged.
Status before power outage
Micro Smart Plug Type E
Reference: MSP-3-1-00
Micro Smart Plug Schuko
Reference: MSP-3-1-10
Power supply: 230V AC +/-10% - 50Hz
Self-consumption <1W
Max. power: - 1840W continuous (Resistive load)
- 2000W temporary (Resistive load)
Radio frequency: 868MHz
Range up to 80 meters outdoor
Range up to 40 meters indoor
Operational temperature: -10°C / 50°C
Radio protocol: Z-Wave Plus
(500 series)
Dimensions: 46mm (Diameter) x 74mm (H)
Weight: 67g
Warranty: 2 years
The NodOn
Micro Smart Plug allows to control (Power ON or Power OFF) an
electrical appliance plugged on it: bedside lamp, electrical heater, coffee machine,
The NodOn
Micro Smart Plug is compatible with the worldwide home automation
standard, Z-Wave
, and all the products Z-Wave
or Z-Wave Plus
certified from
other manufacturers and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes
within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability
of the network.
Plug the NodOn
Micro Smart Plug on your power outlet.
Plug the electrical appliance, you want to control, on the NodOn
Micro Smart Plug.
The Micro Smart Plug allows to switch ON (Power ON) or switch
OFF (Power OFF) the electrical appliance you want to control.
Switching ON or OFF can be done through the Micro Smart Plug local button, or
any kind of Z-Wave
compatible devices, such as the NodOn
Octan Remote, the
Soft Remote or a Home Automation Gateway.
If the electrical appliance (ex.: bedside lamp) has an ON/OFF button, make sure it’s positioned on “ON”, in order that
the power ON of the Micro Smart Plug will switch ON the lamp.
“Local Control”
The Micro Smart Plug can be switched ON or OFF locally, through a short press on
the local button. By default, the Micro Smart Plug is switched ON when the LED is
green, OFF when the LED is OFF.
“Learning Mode”
Press on the Micro Smart Plug button during 2 seconds until the LED becomes
red. Release the button, the LED will then glow in red. The Micro Smart Plug is
in “Learning mode”.To add or to remove the Micro Smart Plug from a Z-Wave
network, follow “INCLUSION” or “EXCLUSION” procedures below.
If the Micro Smart Plug is not added or removed from a network within 30 seconds
(or if the button is pushed during learning mode), the Micro Smart Plug will
2 s
<1 s
<1 s