Use & Care Guide
UltraGlide Upright Vacuum
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1025508 Rev 02 (01--07)
Tennant Company
For Français Guide -- Order p/n 1025507
FOR SAFETY: Do not operate vacuum unless operator manual is read and understood.
Brush Resistance Indicator Light
Bag Full Indicator Light
This light will turn on
when the vacuum
senses restricted
Check Vacuum Bag --
Replace bag if full
The light may turn
on even if bag is less than
full due to restricted airflow
within vacuum bag.
When the light turns on, stop vacuuming,
unplug power cord and check the following:
Check Filter --
Replace or
clean filter if dirty
Clean filter every
third bag
Check Vacuum Hose
and Wand --
Remove any
Check Brush Base Air
Flow Inlet --
Remove any
If the airflow is restricted for an extended period
(light on), the thermal protector will trip and automatically
shut off the vacuum*.
To reset the thermal protector:
-- Turn off power switch.
-- Allow up to 40 minutes for motor to cool.
The single motor model may restart right away, but will
continue to shut down until cooling time is allowed.
When this light is green,
the brush is working
properly. If the light
turns solid red, the
brush is obstructed.
Check Brush --
any obstruction
Inspect brush daily
for entangled debris
If the brush becomes obstructed, the vacuum will
automatically shut down and the red light will
turn on. At this point, turn power switch off,
unplug power cord and check the following:
Check Brush Height
Adjustment --
Readjust brush height
if necessary
To properly adjust,
turn the adjustment
knob until the red light
turns on then slowly
back it off so that the
red light just turns off.
When properly
adjusted, the red light
may briefly turn on
and off while
vacuuming. This is
Replace exhaust
filter every fourth bag
* The Brush Resistance Indicator Light may blink red
when the vacuum motor thermal protector trips.
Replacement Bags -- Order p/n 1014505
(includes 8 bags / 2 exhaust filters)