Perform lock out/tagout pro ce dures be fore ad just ing, lu bri cat ing,
clean ing or oth er wise ser vic ing. Fail ure to do so could re sult in un ex pected startup and
could cause se ri ous in jury or death.
Using non-original replacement parts is not recommended. Their use
may cause unit failure and/or affect vehicle safety.
The instructions in this chapter are recommended procedures only.
Procedures may be altered to fit the user's needs and facilities.
3.1 Stair Assembly
3.1.1 Special Tools and Equipment
The following equipment is needed to perform this operation:
2 hoists.
2 cable slings.
1 forklift (or a combination of 1 hoist and 1 forklift or other suitable means
of lifting the stair components).
3 open-top tables approximately 3 feet high, 4 feet wide and 5 feet long,
mounted on casters (required to handle the main and adjustable stair
2 lift pins (Part # LP36D2-038-1) or 3/4 X 4" hex head bolts and nuts.
1 length of 1-1/4" pipe, 8 feet long.
1-1/8" pipe nipple.
6 feet of 1/8-inch rubber hose (neoprene or other oil resistant type).
3.1.2 Stair Removal
1. Support upper end of stair by placing a pipe (1-1/4-inch standard pipe or
other member of sufficient length and strength), across the underside of
the top platform so that it protrudes out each side.
2. Suspend two cable slings from a hoist and place a sling around each pipe
end so it cannot slip off or shift.
3. Remove the bolts from each side of the lower end of the main section at
lower handrail attach angles and insert lift pins. (3/4-inch hex head bolts
and nuts can be substituted if Wollard lift pins are not available.)
4. Using a second hoist with cable slings, attach slings to pins (or bolts).
SEPTEMBER 30, 2008
Truck Mounted Passenger Stair TMPS-200
Manual No. 307559