RVT-H Reader Quick Start Guide
January 5, 2011 version
Setting Up the RVT-H Reader
The setup steps for an RVT-H Reader (such as connecting it to a TV) are the same as for the
retail Wii. Therefore, please follow the published setup instructions for the Wii.
For customers in the Americas, please visit the Nintendo customer service page:
. Click the System and Accessory Set Up link.
Follow the Basic Setup Steps.
For customers in Europe, please visit
. Choose your
language. Click the Support link. Click the Setup
Connect link for the Wii system. Follow the
Connect instructions.
Note 1: Do not use the Wii Remote to place the RVT-H Reader in standby. Use the power
button on the RVT-H Reader instead.
Note 2: The published instructions to synchronize your Wii Remote to the Wii also work for the
RVT-H Reader, but you must be running the Wii Menu or a game that is expecting input from
the Wii Remote.
Downloading the Writing Software and Instruction Manuals
Please download the RVL_WritingSoftware-20100203.zip package from WarioWorld.
Instruction documents are contained in this package as well as the software you will need to
transfer disc images to the RVT-H Reader. The manual that describes how to use the front
panel on the RVT-H Reader is RVT-H_manual.pdf. For more information about how to transfer
disc images to the RVT-H Reader please consult RVT_RH_SWUG2.pdf.
Downloading the RVL SDK
The RVL SDK contains the firmware updates for the RVT-H Reader. Download and unzip the
latest RVL SDK from WarioWorld. For specific instructions please see the Development
Environment Quick Start Guide.
Note that sometimes you need to download two packages: the package containing the base
SDK and a separate package containing the latest patches. Unzip the base SDK package first,
and then unzip the patch package over the folder that contains the base SDK.
Downloading makeUpdateDisc
Please download the makeUpdateDisc.zip package from WarioWorld. This will enable you to
convert .gcm disc images to files to .rvm disc images. An image must be in .rvm format to
transfer it to the RVT-H Reader.