Menu Guide >
The Photo Shooting Menu
Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
Each shot will be processed to create the number
of copies specified in the bracketing program, and
each copy will have a different white balance.
Modifications to white balance are added to the white
balance adjustment made with white balance fine-tuning.
If the number of shots in the bracketing program is greater
than the number of exposures remaining, the shutter release
will be disabled. Shooting can begin when a new memory
card is inserted.
Canceling Bracketing
To cancel bracketing, select
Number of shots
White Balance Bracketing
White balance bracketing is not available at an image quality of NEF
(RAW). Selecting an NEF (RAW) or NEF (RAW) + JPEG option cancels
white balance bracketing.
White balance bracketing affects only color temperature (the amber-
blue axis in the white balance fine-tuning display). No adjustments are
made on the green-magenta axis.
In self-timer mode, the number of copies specified in the bracketing
program will be created each time the shutter is released, regardless of
the option selected for Custom Setting c2 (
) >
Number of
If the camera is turned off while the memory card access lamp is lit, the
camera will power off only after all photographs in the sequence have
been recorded.