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Содержание S-kt


Страница 2: ... d j u s t m e n t 1 3 3 C o a r s e F o c u s i n g 1 a t f 4 1 P r e s e t D e v i c e 1 4 5 F i n e F o c u s i n g 1 4 6 O i ll m m e r s i o n i 1 5 Vl ExchangingStages 1b MOVTNG THESPECTMEN ONTHESTAGE 16 1 Rectangular Mechanical Stage R 16 l2l Circular Gliding Stage C 17 P H O T O M I C R O G R A P H Y 1 8 C O M B I N A T I O N S 1 9 1 l n t e r c h a n g e a b l e E y e p i e c e T u b e s ...

Страница 3: ...iece Revolvingnosepiece Objective Stagelock screw Fieldlens Voltmeterwindow Fielddiaphragmring Lamp housingsocket Voltagechange over key Filterholderfor 33mm diameterfilter Condenser focusingknob range 2Bmm Field diaphragmcenteringscrew ...

Страница 4: ...ragmeccenteringlever Condenserdiaphragmeccenteri ng leverfor obliqueillumination Condenser irisdiaphragmring Knob for longitudinaltravelof stage Knob for lateraltravel of stage Coarsefocus tensionadjustingring Coarsefocus knob range38mm F inefocusknob one rotation0 2mm range38mm Brightness adjusting dial Main switch Coarsefocus Presetlever Cord connector 5 ...

Страница 5: ...gers of one hand screw it into each nosepiecehole with t hose of the other hand Fi g 3 Microscopemodel S Kt has on the upper srrrface of the noseniecerevolver four spotsindic ated O andO Fig 4 lt is advisable to mount the objectives below the indication spot in order from low to high powersasbelow example o 4 x o b j e c t i v e 1 0 X o b j e c t i v e 4 0 X o b j e c t i v e l o o x o b j e c t i...

Страница 6: ...e microscopestand By further releasing the clamp screw Fig 5 the eyepiece tube can be removedand replaced with anothertype 3 Mounting theGondenser To mount the condenser loosen the lock screw and insert the condenserfrom beneaththe condenser holderasfar as it will go Then tightenthe lockscrew In thiscaselocatethediaphragm eccentering leverand its screwat a convenient posi tion so asto facilitate t...

Страница 7: ... be obtained Fig 7 c lf the irisdiaphragm isopened wide images by illumination at various angles areobtained An illumination angle unfavorablefor the object may be in cluded In centralillumination maximumresolu tion is obtained whenthe opening of the iris diaphragmjust corresponds to the aperture angleof the objective In this caseexcessive outer raysasusedfor dark field illumination arecut off and...

Страница 8: withthisillumination a sharp variation in contrastand resolutionmay appear it may be necessary to change the direction of illumination by turningthe irisdia phragm The condenser aperturemaybedecenter ed in any direction by rotating andat the same timeradially sliding the diaphragm This manipulation canbe doneby only using one hand the thumb and first finger for decentering and the middle finger...

Страница 9: ...ndpushit in Sincethe socket will automatically be positioned by friction thereisno need for furtheradjustment Do not insertthe socketfullv but leavea clearance of about 2mm to attain thebrightest illumination O Centering the RadiantField Diaphragm Using the 40X objective bring the specimen into sharpfocus Fullyclose the radiant fielddiaphragm Movethe condenserlens vertically until a sharply focuse...

Страница 10: ...00X when the illuminationls adiustedfor maximum brightness 7 Photomicrography Compared with the Nikon S Ke Micro scope the ModelS Ktwill providephoto graphs of somewhat lowercontrast In monochromaticphotography good contrastcan be obtainedby the useof a green monochrombtic filter In color photomicrography as shownin Fig 13 the dial of the built inlight adjusterat the side of the microscope baseis ...

Страница 11: ...necessary to movethe bulb backandforth 10 Replacing theBulb First reverse the attachingprocedure to removethe socket and then when the lampbulb is cool turn it in thedirection opposite to the arrow mark on the socket Insert the newbulb 6V 15W as shownin Fig 15 fittingthenotchon the brimof thebulbto thewhitecirclefound on the foot of the arrow and rotatethe lampsocketin the directionof the arrow to...

Страница 12: ...weringthe microscope stage turn the adjustingring left or right to obtaina sharpimage with your left eyeas well Then regulatethe interpupillary distance of the binocular tubeby sliding the eyepieces left or right by meansof the knob Fig 17 untiltheviewfields of both eyepieces merge lt will be advan tageous to memorize the attained diopter and interpupillary distance readings for futureuse The red ...

Страница 13: ...knob only is required for criticalfocus Ing 4 Preset Device The right handfocus knob hasa preset lever on itsdrum Fig 18 When the lever is fastenedby turning clockwise as indicatedby the arrow until it stops the coarsefocus knobs cannot be turned to move the stage closerto the objective This presetis utilized for quick refocusingafter the stage has been lowered and defocused for changinga specimen...

Страница 14: ...he finefocus knob The oil immersion 100Xobjective is designed to attain its criticalfocusby about 1 3 forward rotation of the fine focusknob that is by bringingthe stage about 0 08mm closer to the objective from theparfocal position Air bubbles in the immersion oil whichmaysometimes spoilthemicroscope image andarevisible when lookinginto the microscope tube without the eyepiece canbe removed by re...

Страница 15: ...e slide alsoshould beoil immersed thickened oil maycause irregular travel of theslide In this case removing the circular open ing plate at the center of the stageor fastening the slideholderlockscrew will be helpfulfor a positive travelof the slide Fig 20 Also the useof the stage with spiralgrooves isrecommended By loosening the stagelock screwon the edgeof the stage the stage canbe rotated horizo...

Страница 16: ... ingers To lockthegliding stage in position press it downwardandturn the rim of the stage counterclockwise Fastening of the glid ing stage is necessary when using an attachablemechanicalstage Fig 23 whichisavailable on order Alsoavailable is the centerable circularrotating stage type G which permits measurement of the rotating angleof specimenwith its graduated circular scale Fig 24 Fis 22 Fig 23 ...

Страница 17: ...ment However the useof the photographicstandwhich supports the cameraindependently and transfers lessshuttervibrationt t the microscope is preferable It isconvenient whenobserving a moving specimen throughthe binocular tube to usethe trinocular tube in whichthe light is separated by the half reflecting internal prismsand is transmitted to the eyepiece tubeandthe camera lmportantpointsin photomicro...

Страница 18: ...epiecetubes and stages For example Model SBR Kt consistsof Trinocular 45 rinocular 30o with ModelS microscope standwith Koehler type built inbaseilluminator Binocular eyepiecetube 8 and Bectangular mechanical stage R Rectangu lar Mechanical Circular Gliding Fig 25 1 9 s m 3 s o rf t I _ I rti Fr 0 aduated Rotatable Vertical Photo 3oo ...

Страница 19: ...ular Magnification factori 25X Inclined 30ofrom horizontal androtatable 360o Has provision for dioptercompensation Interpupillary distance adjustment from 54mm to 74mm A InclinedMonocular with VerticalPhotoTube Magnification factor1X Observation monocular inclined 30 from horizontal and phototubeupright 360 rotatable with built in 2 waysliding prism lnclinedMonocular Magnification factor1X Incline...

Страница 20: ...Dry Plan 2X 0 05 42 3 35 6 Dry Plan 3X 0 08 37 7 28 6 Dry Plan 4X 0 1O 2g 5 18 2 Plan Achromat Table 2 Type Individual Magnification LWD4OX W l O X W2OX W40X 0 65 4 4 Focal lworfing I ifiijjii t et1 Distanc e Remarks t m m t m m 0 60 o 22 0 33 4 O 1 6 0 7 7 2 O For tissueculture observation spring loaded 0 Water immersionobjective Achromat l 2 O Spring loaded 0 Water immersionobjective 2 O Spring ...

Страница 21: ...mmersion Oil immersion Typ6 Achromat For dia opic illumination For epi opic illuminationl o For metallurgical use Achromat 4 0 4 O 4 O i O 24 Sprjng loaded PlanM100X 1 30 1 6 O 12 Spring loaded DL L4OX DIV40X BM40X 0 65 0 65 0 65 o 24 DMlOoX 1 30 1 O 12 9 r ng loud d_ BM100X 1 30 1 6 O 12 Spring loaded DLL4oX 0 80 4 3 0 19 Sprlng loaded DM40X 0 80 4 3 0 19 Spring loaded BMlooi T 4L t z o to sprins...

Страница 22: Total magnifyingpower obtainedby the combinationis the productof individual objective powermultiplied by individual eyepiece power A selection of thecombination canbe madeso asto getthe highest resolution of the image resolving power the largest extentof objectarea real field whichcanbeobserved withoutmoving thestage or slide or the greatest thickness of object depthof focus whichcanbedistinctl...

Страница 23: ...rture of theobjective in use Note that in photomicrography it is useless to raise the magnification beyondthe resolving power of the emulsion usuallyabout 0 05mm However sincethe resolution of the emulsion ishigher thanthatof the naked eye photographs canbe takenat a lowermagnification andthereafter enlarged Realfield of view in mm represents the extentof the objectthat comesunder observation Forh...

Страница 24: ...illumination overa wide range so asto offer uniformimage brightness for the 4X objective aswellasto coverthe aperture angleof the highest powerobjective Table 8 Type NumericslAporturs Remarks Abbe 1 30 Forcentral illumination withoutoblique illumination slider 1 30 Forcentral andoblique illumination with obliqueilluminationslider Aplanat 1 40 For increasedi umi nation fIuorescencem icroscopv Achro...

Страница 25: ...Fig 26 ...

Страница 26: ... with the other For transportation pack the body tube rectangular or circularstageand lenses objectives eyepieces andcondenser in a separate contai ner Protectthe microscope from dust and storein a dry place Whennot in use it shouldbe covered with the vinyl coveror keptin the cabinet which is availableon order When storing it in the cabinet do not forget to tightenthe lockingscrewof the eyepiece t...

Страница 27: ...KU U S A INC 623 StewartAvenue GardenCity New York 11530 U S A NIKON EUROPEB V Freeport Bldg Schiphol Centrum The Netherlands NIKON VERTRIEBSG m b H 4000Dilsseldorf Uerdingerstrasse 96 102 West Germany NIKON AG Kaspar Fenner Strasse 6 8700 Kiisnacht Switzerland Printed in Japan 74 2 8 M 6 ...
