Chapter 2 Microscopy Techniques
2.3 Simple Polarizing Microscopy
Simple polarizing microscopy is an observation method for measuring polarization, refraction, and other
states of the specimen by bringing the analyzer and polarizer into the microscope's optical path to limit the
light's vibration direction.
For details on the configuration and the assembly of the microscope for simple polarizing microscopy, see
“4.2.3 Configuration for Simple Polarizing Microscopy.”
Supported polarizing microscopy
Of the polarizing microscopy methods, this microscope only supports simple polarizing microscopy.
Polarizing microscopy using sensitive color is not supported.
Prepare the microscope.
Check that the following optical parts are usable.
(1) Simple polarization analyzer
When switching to simple polarizing microscopy,
attach it to the dovetail for the eyepiece tube mount.
(2) Simple polarization polarizer
When switching to simple polarizing microscopy,
attach it to the field lens.
(1) Simple polarization analyzer
(2) Simple polarization polarizer
Focus on the target using the bright field
microscopy method.
Follow steps 1 to 12 of the procedure in “2.1
Bright-field Microscopy”, and focus on the target
using the 10x objective with the bright-field
microscopy method.
Bring the position without samples into the
optical path.
Turn the stage knob to move the specimen and bring
a portion where there is no sample under the cover
glass into the optical path.
Bring the position without samples into the optical