Static Color
The static color screen contains a palette of ten colors per group. Selecting these
colors will override any playing color effects on the group and set the selected colors
on the fixture group.
Displayed data:
Four columns containing five colors. Each column represents one group. Shift +
hit the BPM TAP button to toggle between groups AD and EH.
Color bank (colors 15, and 610.
Color pattern.
Encoder actions:
Move the encoder to change the pattern in which the selected colors are
spread across the fixtures. Options include:
Single color.
Flash color.
Alternate between each color.
Fade or step from left to right and right to left.
Fade or step symmetrically inwards and outwards.
Pushing the encoder toggles between colors 15 and 610.
Other actions:
Tapping one of the color buttons enables and disables the color. If a color
effect is playing on the group, the selected color will override the effect.
Shift + tapping one of the color buttons allows for the color to be changed.
Note that as this is a color palette, the new color will be applied to all presets.