Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N3410 Series
Triple-channel Programmable DC Power Supply
2.3 Warnings
If the output floating voltage of the power supply is greater than ±60VDC, operator
will be exposed to the risk of electric shock at the terminal. When using an
non-insulated metal short-circuit bar to connect po) output terminal to
po) polarity of DUT, and connect negative(-) output terminal to negative(-)
polarity of DUT, please make sure the output floating voltage should be not greater
than ±60VDC.
The maximum floating voltage to ground is
(Using non insulated short circuit conductor)
If insulators are used instead of non-insulated metal short-circuit bars, or these
short-circuit bars are removed from the terminals so that no operator can touch the
non-insulated output conductors, the maximum output floating voltage can reach
±240VDC. The insulation of all wires at the operation site must meet the present
voltage requirements.
The maximum floating voltage to ground is
(Using non-insulated short-circuit conductor)